Beam me up, Fraunhofer!

Fraunhofer Venture Takes Managers on Board!

Become part of the crew and fill in the contact form. Benefit from the Fraunhofer network and make valuable contacts with the technology industry. Furthermore, you get the chance to be placed in promising high-tech start-ups of the Fraunhofer environment as a consultant on a fee basis. A following entry into the company's management might also become an option.

By completing the contact form, you become a member of our pool of consultants. If a start-up requiring support fits your expertise, Fraunhofer Venture will contact you. And you decide, whether you want to come on board. Also, at the end of January, the first "Beam me up" meeting will take place in Munich – and all new "crew members" will be invited. More information is to follow.

The "Beam me up, Fraunhofer!" project is part of the "Fraunhofer Fosters Management (FFM)" initiative bringing together founders and managers. The initiative is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Beam yourself aboard the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

Click here to open the contact form!